Thanks for visiting. I’m Dave, lifelong geek, family man, and bearded since 2007. Professionally I work as a Supervisor in Application Support. Personally (and informally at work) I’m also a Tech Evangelist / Advocate - I like showing people new technology and getting them excited about using it.
§The Shorter Version
This is where I explain to you who I am, what I’m about, and some stuff about the way the site runs. I could also give you a (hopefully brief) history of the site to get us to present day.
Instead, I’ll provide the elevator pitch version:
I started dropcase.com in May 2003 with the hope of building a site that people liked to visit and read as much as I enjoyed creating. It went through a bunch of iterations, including sitting idle for all too long. My last host disappeared off the Internet, so I’ve moved things to a more stable platform.
If there are any questions, comments, or advice, email me:
§The Longer Version
(a work in progress)
I was working at a large financial company doing Web-based technical support and started a site with some of the guys from my team. This was back in 2002, I was young and single and had disposable income. That’s a good thing, since registering a domain back then was $35 a year and hosting a site for cheap came with fair warning. That site was a very tongue-in-cheek take on how we viewed ourselves - pimpgeek.com (we had a modicum of social skills). We threw something together for the four of us (go ahead and check the Wayback Machine) and it pretty much sat like that until we shut it down about a year later.
Even while that was up, I decided that I wanted to also have a site of my own. In late May of 2003, I registered dropcase.com and set up hosting on a site called NoMonthlyFees.com (a friend was hosting their band’s site through them). It wasn’t pretty, but it was mine.
§The Technology Behind It
Here’s what I’m using for this iteration (in alphabetical order, except for the last one):