§Sunlight, Fresh Air, Growth, and Sunlight

(yes, I said that twice)

Every winter it happens. I think it’s all good and I can deal with a few more weeks of cold and gray, then I realize that I want to get outside and see something green and fresh and alive. Maybe it’s vitamin D deficiency, maybe it’s cabin fever, or maybe I’m just dealing with something seasonal.

March was a rough month weather-wise. It seemed like we were going to be solidly into spring by now, but three snow days later and there’s still more to melt. At least the past few days have been warmer.

Once Spring starts, we’re one step closer to staying out on the screen porch until after dark, grilling without freezing, and opening the pool. I’m glad that the seasons change where I live (northeast US) so I can appreciate them in their own way. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t go somewhere else to enjoy nice weather more often…

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§Save, and Save Often

Now that I’ve been using Hexo for about nine months I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. Since I don’t post often it’s pretty easy to manage the content without needing something heavier (or DB-backed) to keep track of everything.

Luckily I’m also running this on GitLab and have been committing and pushing updates regularly. Everything had been running smoothly… up until March 1st. I thought I might be a little out-of-date with some of the packages I’m using in npm so I ran npm update in my site directory, committed the changes, and pushed up to my repo.

Build failed.

Sonofa. Check the logs and see this right at the end:

$ hexo deploy
ERROR Local hexo not found in   /builds/********/********  
ERROR Try running: 'npm install hexo --save'  
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Ok, easy enough (or so I thought). Just roll back one commit and I should be set. Didn’t work, more because of my lack of git and npm knowledge than anything else. I ended up fixing it by merging an older version into the master, pulling changes, and pushing back up to the repo. This happened over the course of a few hours, working on it when I had a few minutes at a time. The quick(ish) version was something like this:

git pull
git checkout -b {branch}
{edits, install correct version}
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge {branch}
{resolve a couple of conflicts}
git pull
git push

At least I’ll remember to make a new branch before updating next time - I also have the Hexo version pinned in my CI configuration (to make sure it works with GitLab pages). This was a good learning experience, and hopefully something I won’t have to do again… for this project anyway.

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Family man, big geek, awesome beard.

Application Support, ISIT