Feed URL: http://feeds.thecommandline.net/cmdln-enhanced
Site URL: http://thecommandline.net/


Thomas describes himself (from his About page):

I am a thinker, a speaker, a maker and a leader.

Someone once called me a hacker philosopher. I kind of like that. Others have criticized my discussions of programming as being too abstract or not practical enough. I am OK with that too. You cannot swing a search engine without hitting a post about some technology, tool or practice. There are some excellent communities that are all about discussions of those exact topics. I don’t think I have a lot to add in those areas but do think that a broader contemplation of principles and concepts becomes necessary at a certain point in one’s progress as a programmer. If that makes me too contemplative for some, so be it. I’d rather think too much about software as a practice, as a craft, than not enough. The same holds for all of the rest of the topics I delve into on this site.

He also has a great endorsement from Cory Doctorow:

“[T]houghtful, informative, and deep, a real plunge into the geeky end of the news-pool. There’s great analysis and rumination, as well as detailed explanations of important security issues with common OSes and so on.” – Cory Doctorow

§My Take

If you enjoy discussions about technology, software, leadership, communities, and more - this is a great podcast for you. Even if this isn’t exactly your wheelhouse, listen in and you’ll probably find something you like. I’ve been listening since 2009-ish (if I remember right) and enjoyed the variety of topics as well as his take on them. He also talks about tabletop gaming and other non-technical subjects.

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§…or, How Do I Pass the Time During My Long Commute?

I’ve been listening to podcasts since late 2006 when I got my first mp3 player (it was an early iPod Nano with 2 whole GB). Since then my playlist has changed quite a bit along with pretty much all of the process. Below is a quicker list of the current podcasts I’m listening to, or at least following for some that haven’t updated in a while. At some point I’ll post more about each one, especially the ones I’ve been listening to for a long time.

In alphabetical order by name, with a direct link to the feed:

§The Current List

§Newer (to my playlist)

§Less (or In-) Active

§What’s Next?

I still have so much to catch up on with these, even with my commute. Suggestions are welcome - that’s where most of this list came from, either by way of friends making recommendations or through other podcasts mentioning it.

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§…or, Why Didn’t I Start This When I Wasn’t Doing So Much Already?

(the original title reads better anyway)

It’s been a weird and rough few weeks - at work, I’ve gone from a team of two to a team of one. On top of my current role as Supervisor, I’m also doing the day-to-day work of the person who was working under me[1]. Oh, and backfilling the position, meaning that I’m reviewing resumes and interviewing people. Put all that together and my work day isn’t as inviting as it used to be, which could be why I want to speed up the hiring process. Yes, I know that it’s better to take my time and get the right person and not have to go through this again in three (or six or 12) months.

At home it’s also busy. We’ve been taking the past several months to reduce the stuff all around the house. Anything that didn’t make the cut was moved down into the garage… and once the garage was pretty full we had a big yard sale, and donated a bunch of other stuff. It felt good to get rid of a lot, just time-consuming to get to that point. Since all the stuff is out of the way maybe I can start getting the lingering projects finished and start on the other stuff that needs attention. blech.

I was really hoping I would have more time so I could write for here as well as on some personal projects. It feels like I need at least four more hours a day to get that done (factoring in time to actually get the stuff I need to get done finished). The summer feels like it’s slipping away and there’s still so much to try and cram in before winter hits.

Could I just win the lottery and have someone else do some (ok most) of the less fun junk for me?

§To Do

  • Theme
  • Layout tweaks
  • More plugins
  • Write, write, write
  • Build out project git repos

  1. Good friend, went to another place for good reasons

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Family man, big geek, awesome beard.

Application Support, ISIT