Feed URL: http://feeds.thecommandline.net/cmdln-enhanced
Site URL: http://thecommandline.net/
Thomas describes himself (from his About page):
I am a thinker, a speaker, a maker and a leader.
Someone once called me a hacker philosopher. I kind of like that. Others have criticized my discussions of programming as being too abstract or not practical enough. I am OK with that too. You cannot swing a search engine without hitting a post about some technology, tool or practice. There are some excellent communities that are all about discussions of those exact topics. I don’t think I have a lot to add in those areas but do think that a broader contemplation of principles and concepts becomes necessary at a certain point in one’s progress as a programmer. If that makes me too contemplative for some, so be it. I’d rather think too much about software as a practice, as a craft, than not enough. The same holds for all of the rest of the topics I delve into on this site.
He also has a great endorsement from Cory Doctorow:
“[T]houghtful, informative, and deep, a real plunge into the geeky end of the news-pool. There’s great analysis and rumination, as well as detailed explanations of important security issues with common OSes and so on.” – Cory Doctorow
My Take
If you enjoy discussions about technology, software, leadership, communities, and more - this is a great podcast for you. Even if this isn’t exactly your wheelhouse, listen in and you’ll probably find something you like. I’ve been listening since 2009-ish (if I remember right) and enjoyed the variety of topics as well as his take on them. He also talks about tabletop gaming and other non-technical subjects.
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